
Newconomics: a decade on the making

1 de March, 2025

A little over a decade ago, in my book “Argentina 4.0: The Citizens' Revolution” (2013), I…

The impact of conflicts and fragmented globalization

8 de February, 2025

In December 2024, I participated in the 29th plenary meeting of the Montevideo Circle, which…

From Qijiang 2 to Optimus: The Disruptive Evolution of Robotics

1 de February, 2025

I felt like an actor in a science fiction film. Qijiang No. 2, a 1.8-meter-tall,…

Regulating Artificial Intelligence: An Urgent and Complex Challenge

27 de December, 2024

In recent years, the development of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, Big Data, robotics,…

Private sector, Newconomics and agriculture development.

19 de December, 2024

Over the last years growing consensus was built around the idea that unsustainable food systems…

The Future of Mobility

8 de November, 2024

Will we meet the future of mobility in the next decade? A few weeks ago,…

Connectivity and digitalization in times of Artificial Intelligence

2 de November, 2024

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) is generating unprecedented changes in production processes, service…

Presidential Diplomacy, Institutions and Geopolitics

26 de October, 2024

The return of democracy in Argentina (1983) and Brazil (1985) presented a unique opportunity to…

Algorithms vs. the people

26 de February, 2023

Are algorithms a danger to democracy? In Argentina 4.0, The Citizens Revolution (Prometeo, 2013), we…

Democratic innovations in the Digital era

15 de January, 2023

The “digital democracy” refers to a new phase of democratic practice, led by innovations aim…

3D printing technology in the building industry

10 de December, 2022

A few days ago, upon receiving a report on the first modular house built by…

The future of Food?

5 de November, 2022

In 2013, Professor Mark Post, from the University of Maastrich, who was working on the…

The “gig” economy

10 de July, 2022

As we argue from these pages, technology disrupts every aspect of our lives; the way…

Informatics: one less border

8 de July, 2022

Computer science, the main discipline that led us from an age of change to a…

Newconomics and the “new” growth theory

26 de June, 2022

We´ll not offer an academic analysis of economic theories here. Furthermore, it could not be…

A Global Compact to promote SMEs and the Entrepreneurial Spirit is necessary

26 de June, 2022

Preserving growth patterns and creating more quality jobs are very much needed in a global…

Borderless change in the era of COVID-19

30 de May, 2021

In February 2003 we had a first warning. SARS, a coronavirus detected in Asia, spread…

How we define the “New Economy”?

25 de May, 2021

Answering the question is challenging. Many definitions have been proposed. I will try to briefly…

The Private Sector and its role in pandemic response

16 de May, 2021

The Independent Panel set up by the WHO just presented its report last week, on…

Keys of the future Post COVID-19

25 de June, 2020

Just when the interaction of Digitalization, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology promise a new…

“Sergio” or the United Nations Reform in COVID-19 times

27 de May, 2020

Netflix´s film about Sergio Viera de Mello, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at…

Artificial Intelligence: who owns the data and how it is used?

21 de April, 2019

The advent of artificial intelligence, which promises enormous benefits for the society of the future,…

Populism in the 21st century – by Belen Di Paolo

16 de February, 2019

In recent years we have received a flood of news about the emergence of extremist…

New Regional Policies that turn “Global”

27 de November, 2018

It was the american sociologist and economist Saskia Sassen who introduced in 1991 the concept…


27 de November, 2018

Is it true that the nature of geopolitical competition is evolving from disputin territories to…

Future Urban Challenges

27 de November, 2018

At the middle of last Century, two thirds of the world population lived in the…

Networked Citizens

27 de November, 2018

The road towards global governance system today has the thrust of a substantial and definitive…

Climate Change and Global Cooperation

27 de November, 2018

The Paris Climate Conference (COP 21), or 21st Conference of the Parties of United Nations…

Cities of the Future

27 de November, 2018

An interesting angle to explore how to improve international cooperation - which has received less…

Global Public Goods

27 de November, 2018

Conventional wisdom accepts that national societies seek to ensure the provision of a certain amount…

The contrast between Globalization and Sovereignty

27 de November, 2018

The contrast between globalization and national sovereignty was always center-stage in debates dedicated to organize…

National Sovereignty and International Cooperation

27 de November, 2018

Few doubt the need for a theory of change to understand what is happening in…

Responsible Global Citizenship

27 de November, 2018

Nowadays, we no longer discuss whether or not we are members of the global society.…

Towards a Global Government?

27 de November, 2018

When we talk about creating a global authority to take decisions and exercise control, are…

Building Global Governance

27 de November, 2018

Global economic crises have shown in recent decades that market forces cannot regulate themselves, without…

Challenges to Global Citizenship

27 de November, 2018

Not only the world turns faster, it also seems smaller. What happens in a distant…

Adaptability and Progress

27 de November, 2018

Flexibility, adaptability - and sometimes a dose of moderation - is what has allowed the…

Solution for a Future of Change

27 de November, 2018

To find solutions to the problems afflicting us, solutions that allow us to achieve freedom,…

The New Global Middle Class

27 de November, 2018

In the remaining years of this second decade of the century, emerging countries have the…

Changes of the Future

27 de November, 2018

In the future we´ll have to face known problems such as poverty, lack of food…

Politics and Economics in the Future

27 de November, 2018

In an unprecedented event, global protests that organized to demostrate against political and economic crises…

Networked Societies

27 de November, 2018

The institutional crises of the first decade of the 21st century, sank the certainties of…

Economic Stability and Globalization

27 de November, 2018

1989 marked the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of Soviet Union, one…

Terrorism and the “new rules of the game”

27 de November, 2018

The 21st century began with the shocking terrorist attack against the twin towers of the…

We live an epochal change

27 de November, 2018

My work focuses on the processes of change and it is also about the future.…

Changes welcome

27 de November, 2018

Change. Future. Solutions These are the subjects that obsess people anywhere in the world. Its…

Inclusiveness to Power

26 de November, 2018

Increasingly, demonstrations and new channels of political participation are against authoritarian ways of exercising power;…

Network Parties

26 de November, 2018

The new channels of political participation, as well as a new way of exercising power,…

Citizen Participation and Spontaneously Organized Demonstrations

26 de November, 2018

Citizens vividly demand to be taken into account beyond the rounds of elections that take…

The “virtual” public square

26 de November, 2018

With so many people connected in so many places, the future will have the most…

The menace of populism

26 de November, 2018

The main democratic challenge of our times is to avoid and neutralize the re-emergence of…

New Technologies, new democracy, new politics

26 de November, 2018

In the past, populism has been associated with deeply undemocratic movements such as fascism or…

Technology for Cooperation

26 de November, 2018

The course of civilization demands us speed and courage to unravel what lies ahead, because…

The awakening of technology

26 de November, 2018

The technological revolution triggered by computer science and telecommunications over the last decades of the…

Challenges of the information era

26 de November, 2018

The language, the wheel, the gunpowder, the plow, the printing press machine, electricity, telephony, penicillin.…

A new era for mankind

26 de November, 2018

3D printing, Internet of things, and cloud computing are radically transforming the way we produce…

Exponential transformations

26 de November, 2018

Change is everywhere and moves at baffling speed. It’s not just an economic or technological…

New Energy Technologies in the era of the New Economy

26 de November, 2018

Each stage of human civilization was based on the use of a type of energy.…

The next Agricultural Revolution in the era of the New Economy

26 de November, 2018

For second time in three decades, mankind faces the challenge of producing an agricultural revolution.…

An economy force to reconcile the extremes

26 de November, 2018

The dynamism and versatility of the New Economy do not adapt easily to theoretical classifications.…

New Actors, new rules of the game

26 de November, 2018

The emergence of the New Economy is a phenomenon characterized by the emergence of new…

Technology, the heart of the New Economy

26 de November, 2018

Innovation, the technological changes that brings with it and the related productivity increases they generate,…